3.1 Introduction
The next three demonstration modules will show you step by step how to conduct an
eyelash lift and tint treatment.
Before you begin any treatment, it is vital to make sure that you have set up your treatment space
You don't want to risk coming across as unprofessional, as a result of not having something
conveniently to hand or being flustered because you can't find something that you need. Again,
ensure that your treatment space feels inviting, tidy and relaxing.
Before you watch the videos, here is an overview of how your eyelash lift and tint session will run. As
you work your way through the videos, each module will break down the demonstrated steps so that
you have a clear written roadmap to follow with your own clients.
Overview of an Eyelash Lift and Tint Treatment:
1. Initial consultation and patch testing
2. Client is shown to the couch; treatment begins
3. Explain the procedure
4. Remove all eye makeup
5. Get the bottom lashes out of the way, using tape or sticky pads
6. Glue the silicon pads to the client's upper eyelids
7. Stick the upper lashes to the silicon pad, curling them up onto its surface and fixing with more
8. Apply the first solution, to change the chemical bonds in the hair; leave for the allotted time,
then remove
9. Apply the second solution, to fix the eyelashes into their new curved shape; leave for the
allotted time, then remove
10. When 100% happy, prepare and apply the tint, leaving for five mins, then remove
11. Remove tint residue, using damp cotton wool
12. Remove silicon pads, using damp cotton wool and cotton wool buds
13. Thoroughly wipe and clean the eye area, so no tint residue is left
14. Apply conditioning oil to the lashes
15. Hand the mirror to the client, and discuss aftercare and rebooking
16. When the client has left, clear up and clean all materials thoroughly
3.2 Detailed Summary of Video Demonstration
1. Initial consultation and patch testing
Ensure that you have consulted with the client, to find out what colour they desire for their tint and
the desired lash lift effect and whether they have any known allergies to any of the products that you
will use. Explain what you will be using, and check that they are happy.
Conduct the product patch tests on the client, as per the tint manufacturer's instructions. Ensure
that you follow both manufacturers' instructions for patch testing products and the stipulations of
your own insurance company regarding patch testing. 48 hours is a standard length of time. If there
is any reaction to the patch test, do not continue with the treatment, and recommend alternatives to
the client.
2. Invite the client to the couch
Ensure that the client is comfortable, warm enough and relaxed. Offer the client support under their
knees, to prevent any back pain — a rolled towel or bolster cushion works well for this. Make sure
that they are completely comfortable, as they will be lying down for a whole hour during the
treatment. Explain the whole procedure in a calm and reassuring manner.
3. Remove all eye makeup
Explain what you're doing as you go along so that no movements are unexpected for the client, and
they feel relaxed knowing what is coming next.
Use a damp cotton wool pad, to thoroughly remove all traces of eye makeup, using the
following steps:
*Ask the client to close their eyes
*Place the cotton wool pads over the lashes, and gently hold in place
*Let the product seep gently into the lashes; avoid rubbing the eyes
*Working on one eye at a time, support the skin at the brow (as shown), and gently wipe down
the lashes with the cotton wool; avoid any excess rubbing
*Support the other side of the eye (as shown in video), and wipe up from underneath the lashes;
continue until all eye makeup is gone
*Dispose of the cotton wool pads, and ask the client to open their eyes so that you can do a final
check for no residue
N.B. Make sure that you use one cotton wool pad at a time, for each eye. Do not use the same pad on
both eyes at any time. This is to prevent any risk of cross-contamination between the eyes.
4. Get the bottom eyelashes out of the way for the eyelash lift
Explain what you're doing, as you proceed so that the client understands that it's vital to get the
bottom eyelashes out of the way for the lift treatment on the upper lashes.
If the lower lashes become trapped and curled up with the upper lashes, the client could be left with
lower lashes poking upwards into their eye, causing serious discomfort.
Either use micropore tape or purpose-bought sticky pads, to hold the lower lashes down onto
the skin below each eye
Ask the client to look up, explaining what you're doing and that it doesn't matter if they blink
or if their eyes water
Stick the tape or pad (if pad, with the concave curve to sit directly beneath the eye) just under
the eye, holding down the lower lashes
Ask the client to close their eyes, and check-in with them as to how it feels — if it is
uncomfortable, reposition, until the client is comfortable
Take a cotton bud or orange stick, and use it to smooth down the pad area, checking that all
the top lashes lie on top of the pad and that none are trapped underneath it
When completely satisfied with one eye, repeat the process on the other eye
Re-check both eyes through your magnifying light
When you are satisfied, tell the client that, from now on, they can relax, with their eyes closed
5. Select the silicon pad for the lash lift
Choose which product you wish to use, to create the actual lift — there are a variety of different
silicon pads available, and we recommend that you keep a few in-store, to test on each client, to find
the best fit for their eyes.
Take the silicon pad, and put it over the client's eyelid, to see if it is a good fit — if not, try
another, until you find one that is suitable
Test how well it might work by using your eyelash lifting tool to press the upper lashes gently
up against the silicone pad, to see if the lash length is long enough to stick to the pad that you
have selected
6. Glue the silicon pad to the eyelid
Explain to the client what you are doing, and always touch their face with your hand, before you do
so with a tool — this helps them to expect your movements.
Take the silicon pad, and paint some glue onto the back of the silicon
Bear in mind that newer glue will be less tacky, and you may require more of it; older glue is
much stickier and tends to work more efficiently
Stretch the eyelid gently so that the skin is taut, and lay the silicon glue-side down onto the
Don't touch the lashes, but position it close to them, right down to the
Hold in position with your finger for a few minutes or until the glue has adhered to the skin
ONLY use purpose-made glue for this, as it must be eye-safe
Repeat on the other eye
7. Curl and stick lashes onto the silicon pad
Continue to explain the process to the client.
Apply more glue directly onto the top of the silicon pad, loading it heavily so that the eyelashes
have enough to stick to
Use your eyelash tool, to press the lashes up onto the silicon pad — you may need to add more
glue, to ensure that they curl fully onto the pad and stay there
Use another tool, preferably a comb-toothed tool, to separate the lashes evenly in the glue —
this will create an even effect and avoid lashes clumping together
Take your time to ensure that you are creating a symmetrical and neat effect
Gently pull up the skin of the eye, to have a look at your progress and see how the lift action
Continue to separate any lashes that require further separation
Proceed to the other eye, and repeat
8. Apply the first solution
When you are 100% happy with the lashes, and all are stuck in place on the silicon pad, move on to
apply the first solution. This solution will alter the bonds in the structure of the lashes, enabling
them to be reshaped. This product will usually be clearly demarcated in its own labelled pot or
sachet, depending upon which brand you are using.
Follow the manufacturer's instructions at all times.
Take a small amount of the solution, and apply to the back of your glove/hand, or, if you prefer,
put a small quantity into a solution holder finger ring
Warn the client that the product has a strong smell, so make sure that you replace the lid on
the product/close the sachet, and store
Apply the first solution to the roots of the lashes — this is where the lift will take place
You don't have to cover the whole length of the lashes, but make sure that the base of each
lash has a good quantity of product on it. Work all the way along the lash line.
You can work a little way up the lash, but there is no need to go right to the tip
Keep checking that all lash roots are being covered, and avoid getting the product on the skin
around the lashes
When you are 100% sure that you have covered all the roots, set the timer, according to the
manufacturer's instructions
If the client has especially thick lashes, you may wish to extend this time by a minute or two, to
make sure that it takes effect; however, don't leave it on for any longer than this
While the product is acting on the first eye, repeat the steps on the second eye, and also set a
timer for that
You may wish to put cotton wool pads over the client's eyes, to help them relax and keep their
eyes closed
9. Remove the first solution
When the timer for each eye goes off, follow the below steps, explaining to the client what you are
doing, as you work.
Remove the cotton wool pads from the client's eyes
Use a DRY cotton wool bud, to remove the first solution from the lashes
Don't apply too much pressure; work gently, to gently lift off any excess residue
Wipe over the lashes, moving up the lashes with a dry cotton wool pad, to get the remainder
Once more, work over the lashes with a clean, dry cotton wool bud, to ensure that the lashes
are clean
Repeat on the other eye, once the timer has gone off
Clean your hand/glove/solution holder finger ring, and dispose of all cotton wool immediately,
to minimise the smell
The First Steps
Estimated time: 30+ minutes
Work your way through this worksheet to see how well you have really done in absorbing the
relevant information.
Download the worksheet below and complete.
This module detailed, in both video and written content, the first steps in the procedure for an
eyelash lift and tint treatment.
In the next module, we will explain how to apply the second solution to the client's eyelashes.