Mental health in construction certificate
About this course
While many parts of society have become more open towards speaking about mental health, the topic still faces signiβicant stigma within the construction industry. For many who work in this sector, it can feel like a conversation that's just too hard to have. If this is how you or perhaps a colleague/employee is feeling, you/they are not alone. As hard as it can feel, it's a conversation that really needs to be had; however, it must be done in a straightforward, down-to-earth and normalising manner because so many people are affected by it.
This course speaks about mental health as a completely normal part of life because this is a vital part of the destigmatisation that needs to take place. Just as we all experience physical health — and are always in a state or relatively better or worse physical health — so too do we all have mental health, and so too are we always in a state of relatively better or worse mental health. Mental health is simply a fact of life, and it is with this perspective that this course aims to open up dialogue and help you to βind the language to express and understand your own mental health experience and the experiences of others around you in your sector.